And so, although I had initially been planning to do the Epiphany lesson this week, I've changed my plans and will be doing the Baptism lesson. And there's one reason in particular that I'm glad about that.
Last year, one mother reported back to me that her child had come home somewhat concerned about being unable to remember the child's own baptism. The baptism lesson tells us to Remember the day of your baptism! This child was apparently distressed not to be able to do that in a literal sense.
Tomorrow, our pastor will tell the children that this touching of blessed water to their foreheads is one way to Remember your baptism.
You might also like to revisit these past blog entries, which mention:
- my baptismal doll
- a little about the baptism lesson, with a description of the other materials I use for it
- a quote from Berryman about adapting the baptism lesson to your own church's practice
- some differences between Finnish Lutheran baptismal practice and that described in the Godly Play lesson
I have yet to discover a way to do the Baptism lesson that fits our situation, because we do not practice infant baptisms. I have simply been skipping the lesson, but know how important baptism is and need to figure this out! Funny enough when in a traditional GP classroom the Baptism work is my favorite to see on the shelf.