
23 March 2012

week 5 of the Lenten link-up

I'm a little late posting this week's update but we're now into the fifth week of Lent.  Our theme is Preparing for Easter using
  • art projects,
  • nature projects,
  • Montessori methods, &/or
  • story-based religious education.
If you would like to share your words and photos with us, just link your blog account and photo below. Please don't worry if "your idea" has already been done by somebody else. As I'll say in my next post, it can be very helpful to see how two different people do "the same thing" (or even two different but related things). 

Edit: I should have added this phrasing that Sheila's using (if it isn't already implied by this week's and last week's posts). 
By participating you allow us permission to use your photos to share highlights. We will be re-posting each week!

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