
04 April 2015

Wondering about the Way of the Cross

Yesterday evening I attended a Way of the Cross service. We were invited to gaze upon modern paintings of the traditional stations of the cross, while two ministers read descriptions of the paintings, verses from Scripture, meditations, and short prayers (from A Journey to the Cross by Maureen Pamphilon).

paintings by the Benedictine Sisters of Turvey Abbey

It was nicely done, and I found it a helpful Good Friday devotion. But I did find myself wishing that we might be asked, I wonder which painting you liked best? and What do you need to do now as your response to this? That just shows how steeped in Godly Play®  I am!


  1. I feel like that now during every sermon

  2. I just had to giggle reading this. Godly Play has a way of totally changing your thinking, huh? I ask the same questions now in other contexts, whether talking about our day with my kids or analyzing Shakespeare with 6th graders.


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