
25 March 2014

Happy Annunciation Day

As I mentioned in my last blog post, today is Annunciation Day - when we remember the Angel Gabriel's visit to Mary and Mary's acceptance of God's call on her.

Yesterday I made a brief visit to an after-school centre run for first- and second-graders so they won't be at home alone while their parents are at work. I noticed that they seemed to have a little worship area!

It looked similar to a prayer table in a Catechesis of the Good Shepherd atrium. I was also interested because in my Church of England theological studies we just recently been learning about the requirements for "collective worship" in English schools. I asked a few questions of the child I was visiting, but in my excitement I asked too many yes/no questions and too few open-ended questions. *sigh* Still, what I've understood is that they have a little worship time almost every day. It includes a Bible story and a prayer (at least).

The current theme clearly was the Annunciation.

The whole wall above this table was covered with angels. This one was made by the boy I was visiting:


  1. Hi I'm a new follower (not a godly play leader - but a Sunday school leader with an interest in Godly play :-) ) - I love this table - it looks very much like the one at my daughters school :-) Thanks Clair

    1. Thank you, Danigirl, for introducing yourself and linking to your own blog. (I enjoyed reading about your daughter's confirmation!) How nice to "meet" you.


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