
30 August 2013

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away" (Mark 13:31)

Today I want to share with you a poem by the poet José María Rodríguez Olaizola, SJ. I came across it because it was used in one of the daily prayer podcasts by Rezandovoy, a sister initiative to Pray as You GoAs I listened to it today, I thought of the way the Godly Play scripts draw from the eternal word of God, that well which will never run dry. 

You can read the original here. This is my translation into English:

Your word will not pass away

The days and the years go by.
History unfolds and is filled
with names, with faces, with little gestures.
Joys and sorrows come and go.
Faces and hands become wrinkled,
and hair turns to snow.
Some wounds finally heal.
Words are spoken and forgotten.
Songs die. Poems fall silent.
Life goes by. One life.

But your word endures.
There remains love's powerful force.
There remains every caress
which makes the world humane,
every act of forgiveness,
and every feast from which no one is excluded.
There remains blessedness as a way of life.
And one's neighbour.
And the embracing of the prodigal son.
Your word will not pass away. Ever.

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