
10 July 2013

art on Lindisfarne

Sheila's recent post about Saint Columba and the Book of Kells prompted me to put together a post about my visit with Vandriver to Holy Island (or Lindisfarne) this summer. Like Mont Saint-Michel, Lindisfarne is a tidal island (meaning that you can walk or drive to it, but only at low tide). In 635 AD a monastery was founded there by Aiden, a monk from Iona.

Aiden's tile - front
Among the ruins of the Benedictine abbey (built around 1150 AD), I found several modern "tiles" on display designed by children from the island village. It seemed especially fitting that the first one I came across was by a child named Aiden!
Aiden's tile - back

Can you spot two tiles in the picture below?

(hint: the tiles are white)

Here are two more tiles, close-up:

art by Rowan
art by Caitlin
I was intrigued by this project to engage local children with historic monuments (which then also reminded tourists that this island is some people's home).

While on Lindisfarne I also did some shopping. One purchase was a book which went straight into my store of art materials for the Godly Play room: The Freehand Celtic Knot Manual, written by Mary Fleeson of the Lindisfarne Scriptorium. The book gives instructions for drawing six different types of knots and plaits. Fleeson writes, Ideally you should enjoy what you are doing, exercise your imagination and draw nearer to God through the experience.

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