
11 June 2013

asking questions of children

Thanks to Godly Play Australia on Facebook, I came across a blog post by Yvonne Morris, asking: our Sunday schools why do adults most often ask questions about facts and figures and places and information? Are there better questions to ask that will give us and our children that wide-eyed wonder when they connect their story with God’s story...?
She offers some examples of questions we might ask, admitting a strong Godly Play influence on her choices! And then she tells a lovely story. It begins like this,
Can I join you?” I asked the boy quite prepared for him to say ‘No’ but he nodded, so I sprawled near him on the blue blanket. He looked at the toy boat for a few moments. “I wonder what story this is” I say. “Mmmmm, I fink it’s the one where Jesus is asleep in the boat” he replied...
Click here to read the rest.

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