
23 May 2013

my blog's on Facebook

If you'd like to follow me on Facebook, that's now possible. I've set up a Wonderful in an Easter kind of way page. You should be able to have a look even if you are not a member of Facebook yourself; the address is Their software wouldn't recognize the avatar I use here (one of the wooden People of God; it might have been too small a photo) so for now, at least, my profile picture is the Finnish Holy Family set:

my profile picture on Facebook

This is all pretty new to me. I'm not sure whether I'll post every blog post there as well as here... I want to make it easy to keep up with anything happening here on the blog but not to overwhelm you or irritate you by double-posting. Comments and advice are welcome!

And if you like the page, please do click the "like" button there.


  1. i think if you blog on here you can simply make a link onto Facebook - Sheila does this so you don't have to blog twice - phew! But it means that readers on FB can see when you have posted here. Looking forward to seeing more of you! Hx

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Featherglen!

    2. I actually manually enter in the link to each blog post on FB. I'm sure there is a way to do an automatic link, but I'm not technically savvy enough to figure it out. There is a way to do this on Twitter as well. I forgot how I did it, but you can google the instructions.

      I think it's great that you have an FB page! I think it is easier to just write quick thoughts. I may try it at some point as well.: )


Thanks for conversing with me about Godly Play®! I do moderate some comments for the sake of the children I write about. Please be polite: to quote the Velveteen Rabbi, Whatever you're going to say in response to my posts, consider whether it's the sort of thing you would say to your host or their children if you'd been invited to someone's home for tea. If it isn't, then please don't say it here.

If you're new to commenting on blogs, I recommend that you "Comment as" Name/URL. You can use your real first name or a nickname. URL is the address of a website that you want to be linked with your name - feel free to leave it blank. Before your comment is accepted, you have to pass a spam filter. After clicking on 'post comment' or 'preview', just type in the sequence of letters you will then see (or click on the wheelchair for a recording of characters to type). Thanks for reading and commenting!