
13 May 2012

the feast

I have deliberately scheduled this post to be published some time after it was written, to give it more anonymity. 

(preparing the Communion Elements on the Focal Shelf)

We always have two adults present at our Godly Play sessions, usually only two but always at least two. And usually between two and six children. Together we form the circle, have a lesson and Response Time, then clean up and have our feast. It is usually sometime during the feast that the priest arrives, and when we have finished eating the Godly Play feast the priest gives communion to the adults and individual blessings to the children. Then we sing a song of blessing and the children leave to join their parents at Church Coffee.

This week my adult helper asked the priest if it would be all right to receive a blessing rather than the wafer and wine. The helper explained to me afterwards, It felt wrong to take it again. Because for me today our feast WAS communion!

(napkins for a feast during the Great Green Growing Season)

1 comment:

  1. fabulous :)

    I do like that the pastor does come across and bring the bread and wine to the adults and bless the children though - it's a fabulous connect to what's happening over in the Cathedral for both - but I agree that the feast is very special in Godly Play


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