
14 March 2012

week 3 of the Lenten link-up

It's the third week of Lent, and the pace of new contributions to the Lenten link-up (Celebrating Lent) that I'm doing with Sheila has slowed down quite a bit. But we'll still accept contributions all the way up to Easter. Our theme is Preparing for Easter using:
  • art projects,
  • nature projects,
  • Montessori methods, &/or
  • story-based religious education
We ask that you do include a link both to Sheila's blog and to my own (or you can use the button Sheila made, found top right in my sidebar), in exchange for us hosting this link to your own post. More details are in my original post. All contributions will be linked every week.

We've had some posts about the Lenten series of Godly Play lessons - The Faces of Easter, which I think merits a summary post of its own. I hope to get that written and published within the next day or so. [Update: you can find that here.] I'd love it if you'd be willing to share any photos showing some of the objects brought during the Wondering! Please get in touch and/or link your blog account and photo below.


  1. Have I told you lately what a blessing it is to me to have your support for my blog, and how much I enjoy reading yours? Its true! Thank you!

    1. I think we're clearly a mutual admiration society, Leslie! :) Really, it is a joy to have found "virtual-friends" like you on the internet. It's more or less the reason I started the blog in the first place, and I'm so pleased that it's happened.


Thanks for conversing with me about Godly Play®! I do moderate some comments for the sake of the children I write about. Please be polite: to quote the Velveteen Rabbi, Whatever you're going to say in response to my posts, consider whether it's the sort of thing you would say to your host or their children if you'd been invited to someone's home for tea. If it isn't, then please don't say it here.

If you're new to commenting on blogs, I recommend that you "Comment as" Name/URL. You can use your real first name or a nickname. URL is the address of a website that you want to be linked with your name - feel free to leave it blank. Before your comment is accepted, you have to pass a spam filter. After clicking on 'post comment' or 'preview', just type in the sequence of letters you will then see (or click on the wheelchair for a recording of characters to type). Thanks for reading and commenting!