
22 February 2012

Lenten link party

What are you doing with children for Lent this year?

How do you prepare for Easter in your family?

Will you be telling the Faces of Easter story, 
about the One who was (and is) Easter?

Sheila, from Explore and Express, and I are co-hosting a Lenten Link Party, and we would love you to be a part of it! Now if you already know all about link parties, skip to the next paragraph, but since this is all very new to me I figure it might be new to some of you as well. The idea is this: if you write a blog post that fits our theme (or if you've written one in the past), we will link to it with a little thumbnail image here (and on Sheila's blog, too). In exchange, we ask you to add a link back to both of our blogs. It's all in aid of sharing ideas, discovering new blogs, and finding new readers. 

We'd like to use this theme of Preparing for Easter to link up those who work with:
  • art projects,
  • nature projects,
  • Montessori methods, &/or
  • story-based religious education

All during Lent (from Feb 22 through Apr 7), you can click on the link at the bottom of this post (the blue, Add your link button) to create a link from our party to your blog post. You should then be prompted to give the URL of the specific post you want to include (not the URL for your blog's front page), the title of your entry, and your email address. Then please do add links within your own post to me and to Sheila. Every Wednesday, Sheila and I will each post a party update. Welcome aboard!


  1. Thanks, Amanda Joyce from "So Many Joys", for starting us off! I'm so excited that it's working and that I've already discovered a blog that's new to me - yours.

  2. Great idea, Storyteller! I'll look forward to seeing the ideas linked up throughout Lent ... wonderful for my Lent Pinterest board! Deb @

    1. Nice to see you here, Deb. Your posts are so often a link party in and of themselves! ;)

  3. This is really cute! I need to get on the ball with some Lent activities! Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thanks for commenting, Chrissy. It's nice to find out about your blog. :)

  4. Thanks for hosting this link up! It has been wonderful to see everyone's creativity!

    1. How nice to have a new blog on our linkup (new to me). Thanks for sharing your posts, so full of ideas and links and pictures!


Thanks for conversing with me about Godly Play®! I do moderate some comments for the sake of the children I write about. Please be polite: to quote the Velveteen Rabbi, Whatever you're going to say in response to my posts, consider whether it's the sort of thing you would say to your host or their children if you'd been invited to someone's home for tea. If it isn't, then please don't say it here.

If you're new to commenting on blogs, I recommend that you "Comment as" Name/URL. You can use your real first name or a nickname. URL is the address of a website that you want to be linked with your name - feel free to leave it blank. Before your comment is accepted, you have to pass a spam filter. After clicking on 'post comment' or 'preview', just type in the sequence of letters you will then see (or click on the wheelchair for a recording of characters to type). Thanks for reading and commenting!