
25 August 2011

meeting the Good Shepherd face to face

Like many bloggers before me, I feel that through blogging I am making new friends, even though I have yet to meet these new friends in RL - real life. One is Leslie, who blogs at Thoughts from the Sheepfold. I keep meaning to add her blog into my list on the right, once I decide how to classify it, since hers is not a blog about Godly Play but Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.

CGS is the big sister, or maybe even the mother, of Godly Play. Both programs follow certain Montessori educational principles, both use the notion of sacred space and value silence, and, in the words of the Rev. Joyce Scherer-Hoock, "Both methods strive to provide Christian formation rather than education". Moreover, both place great emphasis on Christ's identification of himself as the Good Shepherd.

Today I read on Leslie's blog that the co-founder of CGS, Sofia Cavalletti, died on Tuesday at the age of 94.
the Magnificat transcribed by Sofia (via cgsusa)
Leslie writes, She was a woman of great strength and intellect, who loved God deeply and cared passionately about the spiritual lives of children. 

I join many others in rejoicing at our confidence that Sofia has gone to meet the Good Shepherd face to face and to live in his celestial pasture.

(Leslie's post: With Thanksgiving for Sofia: I just received the announcement below from The National Association of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd ...)

1 comment:

  1. I agree - making friends is one of the best things about blogging! And seeing a comment from you on my blog, or finding a new post on yours are two of my favorite things! Thanks Storyteller!


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