
17 June 2011

I just want to sit

Last Sunday after the lesson I asked what three-year-old wanted to do in the Response Time.

I just want to sit and play with my socks.

It took me longer than it probably should have to say, OK!

Over the next six to seven weeks, Vandriver and I will spend a little of our time on work, some on family-time, and some on vacation! So expect posting to be sporadic and short, and the moderation of comments to sometimes take longer than usual. I'll be back with longer posts again in a while. But for now I probably just need to take a page from three-year-old's book, and sit and play with my socks!


  1. .. is that like twiddling your toes? enjoy!

  2. Enjoy your vacation! Hope you return feeling refreshed and filled with new vision for life!

  3. how are the socks dear friend :)


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