
13 April 2011

new tab

I've added a new tab about my materials. I am a little embarrassed to do this because I am not a crafter, and my "advice" runs along the lines of I merely used regular white glue for this. But today (so say my "stats"), somebody came looking for "how to make", and I wonder how many of the others searching for "godly play faces of easter" are after the same kind of information.

At least this will serve as a place to collect and organize links to my various blog posts, plus links to others' helpful blog posts on these topics. For now this is, as they say, very much a work in progress!

flea market place-mats for the focal shelf


  1. Vandriver tells me that one mat looks blue on his screen (or to his eyes?). From left to right they are red (a short table-runner rather than a placemat, really), white with gold thread, purple (with light purple stripes), and light green (with green stripes).

  2. Don't put yourself down ... the figures you made to come to the communion table were marvellous. You spent ages getting all different shades of skin. The outfits were all different and multicultural. Each one was a labour of love :)

  3. Also you are modelling a responsible lifestyle by buying so many of the things from the fleamarkets/charity shops ... rather being a consumer and always opting for the new and expensive stuff. I think that's really great :)

    I'm glad too that at the feast we use real glasses (not throwaway ones) and one simple napkin for the table ... that's great too.

  4. I love the new tab on materials. What a great idea!


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