
21 April 2011

the apron of humility

Put on the apron of humility
Serve your brother: wash his feet
That he may walk in the way of the Lord
("Footwashing Song" by The Keyhole)

The sermon at our Maundy Thursday service this evening was about finding new meanings in familiar traditions, adapting old rites to new situations (as Jesus did with the Passover meal at the Last Supper). The priest urged us to approach this evening's familiar events (ceremonial foot-washing, communion and vigil) with a willingness to do so in new ways, open to new insights.

I was surprised but pleased to find myself spending the time after communion entertaining the one member of the congregation who was under the age of 30 (she happened to be sitting in the same row as me). I showed her how to sit on a kneeler while we sang the final hymn. She showed me her picture book while the priest read us Psalm 22. I whispered the names of things she pointed to (I hope that only she could hear me) while the priest read the story of the disciples falling asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane.

I'm sure that this was not the sort of thing that this priest had envisaged when he wrote his sermon! But it was a confirmation to me that my calling at church, at least for this season, is to interact with children.


  1. Brilliant :)

    and yes it's a calling for the here and now. Wonderful!

  2. Interesting that when dipping into a Bible that I used a lot earlier (but now use another one that isn't falling apart so much) I found written at the top of Roms 8

    The issue is NOT what you are doing, but whether you are doing what God has ordained for your life at this time.

    Reading it was - in a way - confirmation of what you did last night and what we are doing in Jr church this spring. Yay :)

  3. No, not what I had envisaged (although I'm not quite certain whether I had anything terribly specific in mind anyway), but apparently God had. :-)

    The Padre

  4. "apparently God had" well said Padre :)

  5. Lovely story! And it does seem to be a confirmation of your calling! Deb @


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