
10 March 2011

on a different topic...

I'll be off-line for a week, starting today. I've prepared a couple of blog entries to post automatically over the coming days, but I won't be able to moderate comments. Please go ahead and write comments anyway - just be aware that they won't appear for days!

The main reason I'll be away is to attend a Bishops' Advisory Panel for the Church of England. Over the course of three days I'll be interviewed by trained, godly men and women appointed to the task of selecting candidates for ministry. They'll make a recommendation to the bishop about whether or not I should train for the priesthood in the Anglican Church. If the bishop's final conclusion is yes, then I hope to start studying on a part-time basis next fall.

Please pray for me, that I would present myself accurately to these people.

Please pray for them, that they would discern the will of God.

And please pray for the other candidates who will also be attending this panel.

Thank you! 

[Update: My experience of the BAP is described here and the outcome shown here.]

1 comment:

  1. That's wonderful news and I will definitely pray for you!


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